
Little Liam @ 4 Days New

I must admit, I've fallen behind on blog posts lately because studio sessions and weddings have been keeping me so busy! But I promise to catch you up on my last few months. The most important thing to happen in July was the birth of my first nephew Liam! He was born on a Thursday, while I was vacationing with my parents at Myrtle Beach. I made the drive back home to Cornelius to pack up all of my lighting equipment, camera gear and props then started for Daytona Beach, FL on Sunday.

I am so grateful to have chosen a career that allows me to leave at a moment's notice and be part of these special moments. My brother and his wife were just glowing with pride. 

Liam is not only my brother & sister - in - law's first child, but also the first grandchild on both sides. They have naturally been coming up with their grandparent names while I was busy nicknaming the little dude. Liam Arthur Meixsell, or LAM for short, quickly became Lamb Chop in my eyes. Therefore, what better way to introduce him to the world than in a sweet little lamb hat. You're welcome for all the cuteness!

The tiny parts have quickly became some of my favorite pictures form newborn sessions. I mean, let's be real, everything is cuter when it's smaller. 

Liam, like many other breastfed babies had to stop to eat many times during the session, exhausting his new mama. He was also getting rather irritable but you can't notice it in the pictures, thankfully.

I mean, does this look like hard work to you? You just wait little Liam, life gets much harder!

While I was at the beach with my parents and grandparents, we all had bets on how big Liam would be. I'm pretty certain his great grandfather guessed closest with albs 9oz. He was born in the afternoon, via c-section, after a little scare.

Liam's mom LOVES to bake, particularly loving cupcakes. So how appropriate is it that I had to stick him in a little cupcake hat?

Since he was born in and lives in Daytona Beach, FL I had to incorporate a little beach theme to his photo session. Liam loved the inner tube, it was just the right size for lounging.

Last, but certainly not least....Liam has a Star Wars themed nursery! Since I haven't personally seen the movie my brother had to guide me on how to pose the little man with his gear. Apparently Darth Vader is bad and Liam shouldn't be buddying up with him, my bad. Oh and the laser part should not be in his hand. I'll try harder next time!

Happy 2 Months Little Liam!! Auntie Amanda can't wait to watch you grow.

<3 Amanda